7 Aug 2012

How to shutdown or restart your friend's computer

Hello friends 
I m going to tell u  How to shutdown or restart your friend's computer
Part 1:-
First we’ve to get you’re friends ip …
What’s ip  [let the ip address like the id numder…]
When you connect to the internet you get an ip address so that you could be located at any time ..
There are many ways to know your friends ip address
I m going to tell you the simplest way to do that….

A program called “angry ip scanner
And then download it from this site just get it…
It’s portable VERSION
As you see “ip range”, for example I’ll start from(
As I have 10 users connected to my router.
That’s it ..now I know what ip do I want…
Now part 2:-
Open start menu..
Command prompet
Shutdown –i
Now click add and write (which computer to shutdown)

In add prompt type ip friend ip address (which u want to shutdown)

And now you just write evile comment and ready to shut down ..

Enjoy it and like it..!!!!!

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